Love your light

Heal your darkness

Evoke your magic

About Me

I am Kristy Leier.  I am a 9th generation Master & Educator in the traditional Usui Reiki, Akashic Records Practitioner & Frequency Practitioner. I am a mother of two magical children and married to my twin flame. We live in the beautiful little town of Okotoks.  I have been sober for over 19 years, am a lover of in depth conversations, learning, books and coffee!  I am passionate about helping people on their journey.
I recall from a young age having the ability to see things.  I have always felt connected to the spiritual realm.  Over the years I have been blessed with the ability to not only see, but hear, and feel messages from other realms.  I have combined my knowledge, intuition, and compassion to support your physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual well being! 
Thank you for visiting.
Wishing you growth & self discovery!

If only for today…

I will not anger

I will not worry

I will show appreciation

I will work hard on myself

I will be kind to others

— Principles of Reiki
