
- Please note In Person Sessions are currently on hold -

Distance Akashic Records Sessions

30 - 60 mins

Distance Reiki Sessions

60 mins

  • Cleansing of stagnant energy

  • Reiki to heal & guide you

  • Messages from your guides

  • Balancing of your Chakras

  • Write up following your session to narrate what I saw, felt, & heard

Long Distance, also known as absentee, Sessions are very powerful and just as beneficial as In Person Sessions. Energy knows no time or space so I can connect with you on a higher energetic level even though we are not in each other's auras. There is no exchange of energy, I am a vessel for energy and messages to be received from your higher self and from your guides.

Although we are not face to face I still prefer to set a time. This gives you the opportunity take moment to yourself. You may choose to relax, take a bath, listen to music or really anything you choose! I will contact you before your session & then we will not talk until after I perform the Reiki, as I feel this allows you to sit with everything you are feeling and truly submerse in the energy.

I perform my long distance sessions as if you were with me. I have relaxing music on, Sage or Palo Santo burning, and a candle lit. I will sweep away any stagnant energy or energy that is no longer serving you. Followed by Reiki, where I find most messages come through from people's guides. I complete the session by balancing your chakras, pulling a card, and closing off.

The session normally takes 60 minutes (or more) from start to finish. So please block yourself some "you time". I will then do a write up to narrate everything I saw, felt or heard & send via email. If you choose to discuss, I can be reached via text or via phone afterwards or once you have had a chance to process the energy and information. * For international clients, please Download What's App if you would like a phone call following the session.

For example if your session is at 9am...

(Approximate times)

9-9:45 Be open to receiving.

9:45 You'll receive a message notifying you that your email has been sent & can discuss the session.

You may find yourself more emotional, more energetic, more relaxed or more in tune to things around you. Every session is different so many emotions may arise. Please ensure to drink plenty of water prior and after your session and for the following 3 days, as it can take that long for the energy to flow through all 7 chakras. I will also check in on you the following day to see how you are feeling physically, emotionally, & spiritually.

Exchange of $90

In Person Reiki Sessions

90 mins

  • Cleansing of stagnant energy

  • Reiki to help heal and guide you

  • Messages from your guides

  • Balancing of your Chakras

  • Safe space to discuss your session

The laying of hands, or Reiki, is instinctual. It triggers a self healing process on both the physical and etheric body. In Person Sessions are very powerful, they are not to be feared as Reiki works in the light. There is no exchange of energy, I am a vessel for energy and messages to be received from your higher self and from your guides.

Your session will begin giving you a choice should you wish to discuss what brought you - or - you may see what your higher self & guides share with me in our session. The sharing of information is not pertinent as, your higher self with guide me to any physical, emotional, or spiritual aspect that is meant to be healed in that moment

You will be fully clothed on my massage to allow me to work in an on hands treatment (you may choose for me to work in your aura if this makes you more at ease). I will have relaxing music on, sage burning, and a candle lit. I will sweep away any stagnant energy or energy that is no longer serving you. Followed by Intuitive Reiki, where I find most messages come through from people's guides. I complete the session by balancing your chakras, pulling a card, and closing off. We then sit & chat. I explain everything I saw, felt or heard, if you feel comfortable in doing so. Everything that is discussed is confidential.

The session normally takes 90 minutes, but can go longer. So I ask if you need to leave by a certain time to notify me. This also will allow you to submerse yourself and not feel rushed.

You may find yourself more emotional, more energetic, more relaxed or more in tune to things around you after the session. Every session is different so many emotions may come up. Please ensure to drink plenty of water prior and after your session, as Reiki can release toxins within your body. You may bring a bottle of water & wear comfy clothes. We do have a dog, in case of any allergies. I will also check in on you the following day to see how you are feeling physically, emotionally, & spiritually.

Exchange of $130

Youth Reiki Session

60 mins

  • Cleansing of stagnant or “stuck” energy

  • Reiki to help your child feel calm & empowered

  • Balancing of their Chakras

  • Animal or Angel card to help guide your child

  • Safe space for your child to express emotions & be supported

  • I invite a parent to share in their child’s session.

Youth are so open to Reiki & is so beneficial for them to be in alignment with their higher selves. This allows them the opportunity to learn about their intuition and how to listen to it. It can help them build confidence in knowing what is right for them and to have open communication in a safe space. They are given the choice to have a distance (or absentee) session, and in person session hands on or where I work within their aura. This allows them to have a voice in their healing process. I take the same approach with children’s session as adults, but with a gentle approach and with a vocabulary that they can relate to & understand.

Offered in person or via distance.

Exchange of $70

3 Card Spread

Cards are such a powerful tool for connecting to ones intuition, higher self, and/or guides. You may choose one of the below spreads. I will connect with your energy and intuitively pull 3 cards to help guide you with whatever you may be seeking counsel on.

  • Accept, Embrace, & Let Go

  • Past, Present, & Future

  • You, Them, & Relationship

  • Mind, Body, & Spirit

  • Situation, Block, & Solution

Delivered via email within 24 hours.

Exchange of $55

The wings of transformation cultivate from both, darkness & light.